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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Democracy Tracker

The Democracy Tracker provides event-centric, monthly information on democracy and human rights developments in 173 countries. Event reports describe a change to the status-quo of the state of democracy at the country level. They include a description of the event, indications of the specific aspects of democracy that have been impacted, the magnitude of the impact, links to original sources and keywords to enable further research. Click on the country hexagons below to read the most recent developments, or hover over to the country profiles menu at the top to access the full data and analysis of a specific country.

Positive and Negative Events in September 2024

Cambodia Arrow Cambodia
Colombia Arrow Colombia
Ghana Arrow Ghana
Haiti Arrow Haiti
Jordan Arrow Jordan
Philippines Arrow Philippines
Spain Arrow Spain
Taiwan Arrow Taiwan
Afghanistan Arrow Afghanistan
Argentina Arrow Argentina
Comoros Arrow Comoros
Cyprus Arrow Cyprus
Finland Arrow Finland
Georgia Arrow Georgia
Mali Arrow Mali
Mexico Arrow Mexico
Myanmar Arrow Myanmar
Nicaragua Arrow Nicaragua
Pakistan Arrow Pakistan
Palestine Arrow Palestine
Republic of Moldova Arrow Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation Arrow Russian Federation
South Sudan Arrow South Sudan
Tanzania Arrow Tanzania
Tunisia Arrow Tunisia
Uzbekistan Arrow Uzbekistan
Lebanon Arrow Lebanon

*Assessments are relative to each country and do not represent comparisons or rankings between countries.

May 2022


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Rule of Law

Critical Events in September 2024

Asia and the Pacific • Fiji

Barbara Malimali was named the head of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) by the Constitutional Offices Commission on 4 September, despite being the subject of an ongoing FICAC investigation into abuse of office in her previous post as chairperson of the Electoral Commission. The ensuing controversy has reignited longstanding debates over the independence and credibility of FICAC. The FICAC Deputy Commissioner ordered Malimali be taken in for questioning on 5 September and then, after a public backlash from other high-ranking officials, resigned herself, citing pressure to not open investigations into Malimali and other high-ranking officials. Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has said there is no reason for Malimali to resign unless she is formally charged by FICAC, while opposition politicians, such as former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry, have insisted she must step aside to ensure a transparent and accountable inquiry.  

Europe • Georgia

On 17 September, the Georgian Parliament unanimously approved the bill “on family values and protection of minors” on its third and final reading. Parliamentary votes have been continuously boycotted by opposition MPs since the passing of the contested “foreign agents’ law” earlier this year. The bill includes a wide-ranging set of laws restricting the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals, prohibiting the legal recognition of same-sex couples and transgender individuals, eliminating their right to gender-affirming care and criminalizing the depiction of LGBTQIA+ individuals in the media. The bill has faced criticism from domestic civil society and from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The day following the approval of the bill saw the murder of a high-profile transgender woman. 

Americas • Mexico

On 15 September, a constitutional reform affecting the judiciary was enacted. The reform introduces the election by popular vote of all federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, Electoral Tribunal magistrates, and state judges. It also changes the Supreme Court’s organization and creates a Judicial Discipline Tribunal and an administrative organ of the judiciary that will replace the Judiciary Council (currently in charge of discipline and administration of the federal judiciary). The practice of ‘faceless judges’ may be introduced for cases related to organized crime. Experience and eligibility requirements have been relaxed and the length of tenure and remuneration amended. The introduction of these elections will be phased, beginning in 2025. Proponents of the reform argue it will address judicial corruption and nepotism and say that the prohibition of public or private funds for campaigns will ensure the integrity of the process. Legislation regarding what campaigns will consist of is still pending. Critics say it risks judicial independence, politicization of justice and further influence of organized crime in the justice system.

About the Global State of Democracy Initiative

International IDEA launched the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Initiative in 2016. This Initiative provides evidence-based and balanced analysis and data on the state and quality of democracy globally and for 173 countries across all regions of the world. It aims to contribute to the public debate on democracy and inform policy interventions to strengthen democracy.

Monthly Event Reports

See all the information related to countries that have updates this month.


Arrow TUN
Arrow DZA
Arrow COM
Arrow SSD
Arrow TZA
Arrow BFA
Arrow NER
Arrow MLI
Arrow GHA
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Arrow AGO
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Arrow ETH
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Arrow KEN
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Arrow LSO
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Arrow LBY
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Arrow MWI
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Arrow MRT
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Arrow MUS
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Arrow MAR
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Arrow NGA
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Arrow COG
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Arrow RWA
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Arrow SEN
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Arrow SLE
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Arrow SOM
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Arrow SDN
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Arrow TGO
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Arrow UGA
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Arrow ZMB
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Arrow HTI
Arrow ARG
Arrow NIC
Arrow COL
Arrow MEX
without report
Arrow CAN
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Arrow BRB
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Arrow BOL
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Arrow BRA
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Arrow CHL
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Arrow PAN
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Arrow PRY
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Arrow PER
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Arrow SUR
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Arrow TTO
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Arrow USA
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Arrow URY
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Arrow VEN
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Asia and the Pacific

Arrow UZB
Arrow FJI
Arrow KHM
Arrow TWN
Arrow LKA
Arrow PHL
Arrow AFG
Arrow PAK
Arrow MMR
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Arrow MYS
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Arrow TLS
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Arrow JPN
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Arrow AUS
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Arrow BGD
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Arrow BTN
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Arrow CHN
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Arrow PRK
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Arrow IND
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Arrow IDN
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Arrow KAZ
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Arrow KGZ
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Arrow LAO
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Arrow MDV
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Arrow MNG
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Arrow NPL
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Arrow NZL
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Arrow PNG
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Arrow KOR
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Arrow SGP
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Arrow SLB
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Arrow TJK
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Arrow THA
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Arrow TKM
without report
Arrow VUT
without report
Arrow VNM
View all


Arrow MDA
Arrow GEO
Arrow AZE
Arrow DEU
Arrow AUT
Arrow ITA
Arrow ALB
Arrow ESP
Arrow RUS
Arrow CYP
Arrow FIN
Arrow CHE
without report
Arrow UKR
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Arrow HUN
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Arrow GBR
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Arrow KSV
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Arrow TUR
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Arrow ARM
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Arrow SVK
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Arrow BLR
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Arrow BEL
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Arrow BIH
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Arrow BGR
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Arrow HRV
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Arrow CZE
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Arrow DNK
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Arrow EST
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Arrow FRA
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Arrow GRC
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Arrow ISL
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Arrow IRL
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Arrow LVA
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Arrow LTU
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Arrow LUX
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Arrow MLT
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Arrow MNE
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Arrow NLD
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Arrow MKD
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Arrow NOR
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Arrow POL
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Arrow PRT
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Arrow ROU
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Arrow SRB
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Arrow SVN
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Arrow SWE
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Western Asia

Arrow PSE
Arrow LBN
Arrow SYR
Arrow KWT
Arrow JOR
without report
Arrow IRQ
without report
Arrow BHR
without report
Arrow IRN
without report
Arrow ISR
without report
Arrow OMN
without report
Arrow QAT
without report
Arrow SAU
without report
Arrow ARE
without report
Arrow YEM
View all
May 2022


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Rule of Law

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Funders and Donors

The European Union Federal Ministry for Economic Coorperation and Development Robert Bosch Stiftung
The Global State of Democracy Initiative is also supported by contributions of International IDEA Member States