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Western Asia


February 2024

Ruling party wins by-elections after opposition candidates were excluded

In the three months following the August 2023 general election, 27 of the members of the National Assembly (as well as 14 Senators and a number of local councillors) from the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) were fraudulently recalled, triggering by-elections for those seats. The High Court in Harare ruled in December that the recalled members of parliament could not contest the by-elections as CCC candidates, essentially shutting the party out of several of the constituencies. The second set of by-elections was held on 3 February. In these elections, the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) won all six seats, giving the party a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly. The CCC’s founding leader, Nelson Chamisa, had already quit the party on 25 January, and the party has weakened further as other politicians have left the party since the by-elections.

Sources: eNews Channel Africa, Africa News (1), The Herald, Africa News (2), All Africa

November 2023

Fraudulent recall of opposition parliamentarians continues

The chaos within Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), deepened in November as Sengezo Tshabangu, a man purporting to be the party’s Secretary-General, submitted letters recalling a further 13 MPs and five Senators, whose seats were then declared vacant by the parliamentary Speaker and the President of the Senate on 14 November. In October, he recalled 14 MPs and nine senators. The High Court has also ruled that no further CCC MPs can be recalled until Tshabangu’s authority to issue the recalls has been determined. Separately, a legal application for reinstatement made by the first group of recalled parliamentarians (those recalled in October) was dismissed, meaning that by-elections to fill their seats will take place on 9 December. The recalls have been criticised by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which also raised concerns about physical attacks on opposition legislators by state actors – a trend that has intensified in the lead up to the December by-elections.              

Sources: Africa Confidential, International IDEA, Veritas, The Zimbabwe Mail (1), The Zimbabwe Mail (2), The Zimbabwe Mail (3)Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Africa Report  

October 2023

Opposition party thrown into chaos by fraudulent recall of parliamentarians

In October, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change, was thrown into chaos by a letter to the parliamentary speaker from a man fraudulently claiming to be the party’s Secretary-General and recalling 14 of its MPs and nine of its senators. Despite a request from the CCC’s leader, Nelson Chamisa, that the letter be disregarded, the parliamentary Speaker and the President of the Senate, who are both members of the governing Zanu-PF party, declared the seats to be vacant, triggering by-elections that create an opportunity for Zanu-PF to achieve a two-thirds majority in the legislature and with it the ability to amend the constitution. The speaker’s decision prompted protests from CCC MPs, who were subsequently suspended for six parliamentary sittings after riot police were called to eject the MPs from the chamber. Chamisa later said CCC would ‘disengage’ from lawmaking. The recalled MPs have challenged their recall in court.      

Note: This report was updated on 13 December for accuracy and comprehensiveness.         

Sources: News 24 (1), Africa Confidential, The Africa Report, News 24 (2), Veritas

September 2023

Rise in political violence amidst post-election government crackdown

Following Zimbabwe’s election on 23 August, media and human rights organisations reported a rise in political violence as government forces cracked down on opposition politicians, supporters and human rights defenders. Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum (ZHRF), a Human Rights NGO, documented 316 incidents of organised violence and torture between 24 August and 30 September 2023 (an increase on the 274 incidents it recorded during the volatile post-electoral period in 2018). The types of violence documented by the ZHRF include arbitrary arrest, torture, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings. Reports indicate that the victims were predominantly members or supporters of the main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and that they were targeted because of their association with the CCC. The perpetrators are thought to have been members of state security agencies and supporters of the ruling party, Zanu-PF.   

Sources: Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum, The East African, Africa Confidential, The Guardian

See all event reports for this country

GSoD Indices Data 2014-2023


Basic Information

Population Tooltip
16 320 537
System of government
Presidential system
Head of government
President Emmerson Mnangagwa (since 2017)
Head of government party
ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front)
Electoral system for lower or single chamber
Women in lower or single chamber
Women in upper chamber
Last legislative election
Head of state
President Emmerson Mnangagwa
Selection process for head of state
Direct election (two-round majority)
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) date
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) percentage of recommendations supported
Tooltip text

Human Rights Treaties

State Party State party
Signatory Signatory
No Action No action
United Nations Human Right Treaties
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
State Party
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
State Party
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
State Party
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
State Party
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
No Action
Convention on the Rights of the Child
State Party
International Convention on Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
No Action
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 
No Action
International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
State Party
International Labour Organisation Treaties
Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention
State Party
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention
State Party
Equal Remuneration Convention
State Party
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
State Party
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment
State Party
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
State Party
Regional Treaties
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
State Party
Tooltip text

Performance by category over the last 6 months

Representation neutral Representation
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Rights
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Rule of law
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Participation
Jan 2024
Jun 2024

Global State of Democracy Indices

Hover over the trend lines to see the exact data points across the years

Explore the indices
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
Rule of Law
Rule of Law
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4

Factors of Democratic Performance Over Time

Use the slider below to see how democratic performance has changed over time

0 10