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Western Asia


February 2024

Parliament considers bill to improve public participation
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A proposal to allow members of the public to submit legislative proposals to the Parliament has been submitted by MP Christiana Erotokritou from the centrist Democratic Party (DIKO). The bill would allow members of the public to submit motions to Parliament as long as they have obtained 5,000 signatures. The public’s proposals would then be vetted by the legal department of Parliament, adopted by one or more MPs, and discussed in a parliamentary committee. Erotokritou states that the purpose is to increase public participation and give them direct access to the democratic process. The proposal is currently up for review by the House legal affairs committee.

Sources: The Cyprus Magazine, Cyprus Mail (1), Cyprus Mail (2), bnn

January 2024

Bomb attack on anti-racism NGO

On 5 January, the office of the NGO Kisa (Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism) was attacked with an improvised explosive device, destroying windows, computers and archives. Kisa reported receiving threats in recent years with “racist and nationalist motives.” The attacker is unknown, and a police investigation is ongoing. Kisa has criticized Cypriot authorities for contributing to a hostile environment, including by systematically undermining the organization’s legitimacy (for example by removing Kisa from the register of associations in 2020) and failing to investigate previous threats and harassment against the organization and its staff. The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) condemned the attack and raised concerns over the lack of response from Cypriot authorities. ENAR and other human rights organizations report that the attack is part of a broader trend of escalating hostilities and divisive rhetoric targeting marginalized communities, especially migrants, and the organizations that support them in Cyprus.

Sources: Cyprus Mail, Euronews, ENAR, Kisa, Amnesty International, Civic Space Watch

September 2023

Demonstrators commit racist attacks against migrants

On 1 September, an anti-immigration demonstration in Limassol, a port city in southern Cyprus, spiralled into violent mobs damaging migrant-owned shops and perpetrating racist attacks, leading to the hospitalisation of five people. These attacks escalate and entrench an existing phenomenon in which migrants are targeted and made to feel unsafe in their communities, and are likely to erode the trust of migrant communities in law enforcement. NGOs have reported a recent surge in racist attacks against migrants and refugees, after far-right groups attacked migrants in Chloraka in August and two people were injured in Limassol in June. Police arrested 13 people including the organiser of the 1 September demonstration. Local anti-racism and migrant rights organisation Kisa reported that it had contacted the police to warn them in advance that the attacks were being coordinated on social media, but the police did not respond to Kisa’s offer to share the information it had gathered. Kisa has accused authorities of failure to protect migrants and to hold far-right attackers accountable.

Sources: Amnesty International, Kisa, In-Cyprus, Euronews, European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Cyprus Mail, DW, Politis

August 2023

Turkish Cypriot security forces clash with UN peacekeepers

Turkish Cypriot police attacked UN peacekeepers seeking to prevent unauthorised attempts by Turkish Cypriot authorities to build a road encroaching on the UN buffer zone, a demilitarised zone established in 1964 after the de facto partition of the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) justified the construction of the road saying it was for “purely humanitarian purposes” and aimed to improve access to Turkish Cypriots living in the buffer zone town of Pyla/Pile, which is home to both a Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot population. The attack, which led to the hospitalisation of three UN personnel, has been widely condemned including by the UN and European Commission. While it is regular for UN peacekeepers to respond to incidents around the buffer zone, it is rare for this type of serious incident at the buffer zone to take place.

Sources: UN News, UNFICYP, European External Action Service, Anadolu Agency, Politis, Cyprus Mail, TRNC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UN Security Council

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Global ranking per category of democratic performance in 2023

Rule of Law
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Basic Information

Population Tooltip
1 215 590
System of government
Presidential system
Head of government
President Nikos Christodoulides (since 2023)
Head of government party
Electoral system for lower or single chamber
List Proportional Representation
Women in lower or single chamber
Women in upper chamber
Not applicable
Last legislative election
Effective number of political parties Tooltip
Head of state
President Nikos Christodoulides
Selection process for head of state
Direct election (two-round majority)
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) date
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) percentage of recommendations supported
Tooltip text

Human Rights Treaties

State Party State party
Signatory Signatory
No Action No action
United Nations Human Right Treaties
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
State Party
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
State Party
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
State Party
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
State Party
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
State Party
Convention on the Rights of the Child
State Party
International Convention on Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
No Action
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 
International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
State Party
International Labour Organisation Treaties
Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention
State Party
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention
State Party
Equal Remuneration Convention
State Party
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
State Party
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment
State Party
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
State Party
Regional Treaties
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol No. 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol No. 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Protocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
State Party
Tooltip text

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Performance by category over the last 6 months

Representation neutral Representation
Mar 2024
Aug 2024
Representation neutral Rights
Mar 2024
Aug 2024
Representation neutral Rule of law
Mar 2024
Aug 2024
Representation neutral Participation
Mar 2024
Aug 2024

Global State of Democracy Indices

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high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
Rule of Law
Rule of Law
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4

Factors of Democratic Performance Over Time

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0 10