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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia


March 2024

Former president convicted for drug trafficking

Former President Juan Orlando Hernández was convicted in a New York court for trafficking cocaine. Hernández was extradited to the US by Honduran authorities in April 2022 after the country's Supreme Court rejected the former president's appeals. Witnesses revealed Hernández, who served from 2014 to 2022, accepted bribes, including $1m from infamous drug dealer El Chapo, to fund his political campaigns. The prosecution described his actions as creating a “cocaine superhighway” to the US. While the conviction is a victory for the US’s Drug Enforcement Agency, it calls into question past US support for Hernández, who was once seen as an ally in anti-drug efforts. Hernández, who campaigned for his presidency as an anti-crime leader, is accused of leveraging state power to protect drug traffickers, including the military and police, and turning Honduras into a "narco-state". His arrest and trial have been closely watched in Honduras, reflecting a broader desire for accountability.  

Sources: The Guardian, BBC, La Tribuna, Infobae, Latin Post

June 2023

Increasing gang violence results in deadly prison riot and local curfew

A riot and fire started after clashes between rival gangs in a women’s prison resulted in at least 46 deaths. Less than a week later, 13 people were killed in a deadly shooting in the city of Choloma, believed to be linked to gang violence as well. According to a police commissioner, the killings in Choloma could be reprisals related to the prison deaths. President Xiomara Castro has ordered an inquiry into the circumstances of the prison riot, as many women deprived of their liberty allegedly had access to weapons, as well as an investigation into the shooting in the city of Choloma. According to a police, there are allegations that these two events are possibility connected. A local curfew in Choloma and San Pedro Sula was implemented during two weeks in response to the shooting, which President Castro characterised as a “terrorist attack” ordered by drug gangs. 

Sources: El Mundo, British Broadcasting Corporation, El Pais, Associated Press

April 2023

International experts raise alerts regarding levels of violence and risks for human rights defenders

International experts have raised alerts about the concerning levels of violence in Honduras. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights carried out a visit to the country in April, during which it highlighted that the murder of human rights and environmental activists position the country as one of the most violent in the region. Social leaders and activists have stressed that the implementation of a state of emergency to counter organized crime in the past months has negatively impacted their activities.

Further, the Norwegian Refugee Council carried out a visit to Honduras, during which it expressed concern for the levels of violence similar to those of an armed conflict, with many displaced and a disproportionate impact on women, who are subjected to sexual and other forms of gender-based violence. 

Sources: Radio France Internationale, Criterio, British Broadcasting Corporation

March 2023

Ban on emergency contraception is lifted

President Xiomara Castro signed an executive decree to lift a ban on emergency contraception that had been in place since 2009. The decree was signed on International Women’s Day. Women’s rights activists and organizations celebrated the reversal of this ban, which had been one of Castro’s campaign promises before her 2021 election, particularly given the fact that abortion in Honduras remains prohibited under all circumstances. The emergency contraception pill will be sold over the counter at pharmacies and be free at health centres (last December its use had exceptionally been approved in cases of rape). 

Sources: El Pais, The New York Times, British Broadcasting Corporation

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GSoD Indices Data 2014-2023


Basic Information

Population Tooltip
10 432 860
System of government
Presidential system
Head of government
President Xiomara Castro (since 2022)
Head of government party
Liberty and Refoundation
Electoral system for lower or single chamber
List Proportional Representation
Women in lower or single chamber
Women in upper chamber
Not applicable
Last legislative election
Effective number of political parties Tooltip
Head of state
President Xiomara Castro
Selection process for head of state
Direct election (plurality)
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) date
Latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) percentage of recommendations supported
Tooltip text

Human Rights Treaties

State Party State party
Signatory Signatory
No Action No action
United Nations Human Right Treaties
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
State Party
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
State Party
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
State Party
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
State Party
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
State Party
Convention on the Rights of the Child
State Party
International Convention on Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
State Party
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 
State Party
International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
State Party
International Labour Organisation Treaties
Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention
State Party
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention
State Party
Equal Remuneration Convention
State Party
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention
State Party
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
State Party
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment
State Party
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
State Party
Regional Treaties
American Convention on Human Rights
State Party
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
State Party
Tooltip text

Performance by category over the last 6 months

Representation neutral Representation
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Rights
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Rule of law
Jan 2024
Jun 2024
Representation neutral Participation
Jan 2024
Jun 2024

Global State of Democracy Indices

Hover over the trend lines to see the exact data points across the years

Explore the indices
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
Rule of Law
Rule of Law
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4
high 0.7-1.0
mid 0.4-0.7
low 0.0-0.4

Factors of Democratic Performance Over Time

Use the slider below to see how democratic performance has changed over time

0 10