United Kingdom - July 2023
Parliament passes controversial Illegal Migration Bill
After months of debate, the Illegal Migration Bill received royal assent on 20 July, banning irregular migrants from seeking asylum and requiring their detention and deportation, either to their country of origin or to a “safe third country.” The act is an integral part of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s pledge to reduce irregular migration, particularly among migrants arriving by small boat via the Channel. The parliamentary committee on human rights and the United Nations are among the many actors condemning the bill, warning that it is in violation of international law. Lacking in protections for LGBTQIA+ migrants and victims of modern-day slavery, it is projected to disproportionately impact vulnerable groups and lead to increased levels of human trafficking. Further, its implementation is uncertain, since deportations to Rwanda, the only third country with which the government currently has an agreement, have been ruled as unlawful by the Court of Appeal.
Sources: Home Office, Joint Committee on Human Rights, UN, The Conversation, Financial Times