Chile - November 2024
Modifications to migration law are approved by lower chamber
On 26 November, the lower chamber of the legislature approved changes to over 56 articles of Law 21.325 on Migration. These revisions include new conditions for acquiring naturalization and revocation of residence permits for foreign nationals. Crimes such as domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and the illegal use of firearms have been added as grounds for expulsion. If enacted, the law would also allow revoking residence permits of individuals with repeated offenses related to “harmonious coexistence” like street vending, altercations, or disturbing noises. Additionally, the requirements for naturalization would now include a longer residence period and passing an exam. The modifications have broad political support, but were criticized by migrant organizations and experts who argue that they could promote discriminatory practices, stigmatize migrants, and increase their vulnerability. The modifications will now be discussed in the upper chamber.
Sources: La Tercera, Radio universidad Chile, Interferencia, Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados Chile, Emol