Sweden - May 2023
New law expands scope of terrorism-related crimes
Parliament approved a new terror law which criminalises participation in or support to a terrorist organisation, including through organising terrorist activities; providing funding, equipment, transport or housing to such groups; and publicly encouraging and recruiting for terrorist activities. The law was approved with 268 votes in favour, 34 votes against and 47 abstentions. The Council of Legislation (Lagrådet) criticised the bill as unnecessary and risking too far-reaching criminalisation further to a legal review completed in March. Observers have said that the move seeks to address Turkey’s blocking of Sweden’s bid to join NATO, where Ankara has accused Swedish authorities of harbouring members and supporters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). This sentiment was renewed by Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) after the PKK flag was projected onto the Swedish Parliament building by protesters in May.
Sources: SVD, Riksdagen (1), Riksdagen (2), AP News, Politico, Lagrådet