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Western Asia

Journalist sentenced to historic prison term

Marking a new extreme in Russia’s crackdown on independent media, a court sentenced Russian journalist Ivan Safronov to 22 years in prison on charges of high treason on 7 September. The charges centered on Safronov’s reporting, but all material discussed in court was also available online on government and government-controlled media websites. The sentence, which is long even by contemporary Russian standards, is part of a larger crackdown on independent media and public protest during the invasion of Ukraine. As of 28 October, OVD-Info recorded 19,335 arrests for protests against the war and ‘partial mobilization’ in Russia. 

Sources: CEPA, Proekt, New York Times, OVD-Info 

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of The Press

Regional and municipal elections rife with irregularities

On 11 September Russia held its first elections (municipal, regional, and gubernatorial) since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. Opposition candidates were subject to pre-election pressure, and hundreds of violations, including pre-printed ballots, were uncovered by the few domestic monitors able to participate. 

Sources: Meduza 

Primary categories and factors
Representation 0 Representation  (0)
Credible Elections

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