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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Return of capital punishment
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The military junta carried out 14 unannounced and closed-door executions of imprisoned pro-democracy leaders and civilians between late July and mid-August. Capital punishment was last practiced in the country in 1987.

Sources: New York Times, The Diplomat

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Access to Justice
Rule of Law -1 Rule of Law  (-1)
Personal Integrity and Security

State of Emergency extended

The military junta extended the State of Emergency in the country for an additional six months. The decision indicates that further steps to crush opposition to the junta and delay elections and normalization are being planned.

Sources: The Diplomat

Primary categories and factors
Rights 0 Rights  (0)
Access to Justice
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Association and Assembly
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of The Press

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