Mexico - February 2024
President presents constitutional reform proposals
On 5 February, President López Obrador presented 18 constitutional and two legal reform proposals encompassing social issues such as pensions, welfare programs, and minimum wage, and those focusing on institutional reforms. The latter propose changes within the judicial and electoral systems, the restructuring and streamlining of autonomous institutions and the role of the National Guard. Some controversial proposals include the appointment of members of the National Electoral Institute (INE), the Electoral Tribunal and justices of the Supreme Court through popular vote, the reduction in the number of congress members, and a new electoral reform that aims to reduce costs and the expenditure of political parties, among other issues.
Critics and opposition have expressed concern about their potential impact on the impartiality and independence of certain institutions, and on ensuring a level playing field for the 2 June elections. Though some of the reforms currently lack sufficient support to pass in Congress, at least prior to the elections, their debate in the following weeks and months may shape the electoral race.
Sources: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, El País, Gobierno de Mexico, Financial Times, DW
Surge in political violence raises concerns during electoral process
Throughout January and February, there has been a significant increase in political violence in Mexico, raising concerns about the impact of violence on the electoral processes underway, as the 2 June elections approach. Particularly troubling have been the killings of aspiring candidates for local offices. According to Data Cívica, the number of victims of political violence surged by 235.7 per cent from 2018 to 2023. Integralia has reported 32 victims in 2024, including aspiring candidates (eight, since the electoral process started) and current and former public officials killed. As the campaign season kicks off on 1 March, concerns are mounting over the potential rise in political violence, as criminal organizations seek to influence results.
Sources: El Pais, Insight Crime, Aristegi Noticias, Integralia

Data leaks and privacy breaches exacerbate concerns over journalists’ safety
Concerns over the safety of journalists and press freedom in Mexico increased following reports of data leaks and the disclosure of a journalist's personal phone number during a presidential daily press briefing.
Experts and organizations, such as the Committee to Protect Journalists, called on the government to ensure compliance with privacy laws while handling personal information, after a government database of over 300 journalists who had applied for press credentials was leaked, including their personal identification numbers and addresses.
Journalists doubled down on this demand after the executive’s accusations of media bias and unprofessional behaviour for publishing allegations regarding irregular campaign financing against people close to him without evidence, in exchanges that were criticized by media professionals as antagonizing and harmful in a country where journalists are victims of reprisals and violent attacks.
Sources: The New York Times, Animal Politico, CNN, Reuters, Axios, Associated Press, CPJ