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Western Asia

Passage of long-awaited constitutional reforms paves the way for general elections

On 29 August Lesotho’s Parliament passed a long-awaited package of constitutional reforms that pave the way for the country’s general elections, which are scheduled to take place on 7 October 2022. The reforms are aimed at tackling the constitutional causes of the political instability that have plagued the country in recent years and threatened the integrity of the forthcoming elections, including excessive prime ministerial powers, a lack of judicial independence, a weak parliament, politicized security agencies and a lack of media independence. Details of the legislation, as passed, are yet to emerge in the media. The passage of the reforms after the constitutionally mandated dissolution of parliament in July and before the general election was made possible only by the Prime Minister, Moeketsi Majoro, declaring a State of Emergency. The reform process began in 2012.

Sources: The ConversationThe PostAfrican Business

Primary categories and factors
Representation 0 Representation  (0)
Credible Elections
Free Political Parties
Effective Parliament
Rights 0 Rights  (0)
Access to Justice
Civil Liberties
Freedom of The Press
Rule of Law 0 Rule of Law  (0)
Judicial Independence
Participation 0 Participation  (0)
Electoral Participation

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