Kosovo - September 2023
Police officer killed as Serb gunmen storm Kosovo
Serb gunmen dressed in military uniforms stormed Banjska, a Serb-dominated village, and barricaded in its monastery after having battled the Kosovo Police and killed one of its officers. Authorities reported that a minimum of five out of at least 30 attackers were killed. The European Commission labelled this a terrorist attack. No civilians were injured. The police discovered a significant cache of heavy weaponry, ammunition, and equipment. ID documents of Serbs were found, including the gun permit of Milan Radoičić, Vice President of Lista Srpska, a Kosovo Serb party supported by Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vučić. Radoičić confirmed his participation in the attack. Kosovo's leaders attributed the attack to Serbia, while Serbia’s President denied any involvement, asserting it emanated from local Kosovo Serbs who no longer wished to endure what he referred to as "Kurti's terror." After the attack, the US reported a significant Serbian military presence along the Kosovo border, and the Serbian President announced orders for their withdrawal. This unprecedented attack follows months of increased tensions between Kosovo and Serbia.
Sources: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Prishtina Insight, Reuters, Euractiv, EU External Action, Politico (1), Politico (2), The Guardian