Kosovo - June 2023
Government declares two Serb groups terrorist organisations
In an unprecedented move, the government declared two Serb groups that operate in Serb-dominated northern municipalities terrorist organisations. While the North Brigade is lesser known, the Civil Protection was one of the parallel structures not recognized by the Kosovo institutions, serving as a de-facto security force in the north. These illegal structures have challenged Kosovo authorities’ efforts to establish a unified system of governance and extend the rule of law in all its territory. Prime Minister Albin Kurti claims that the groups “pose a serious and direct threat for the constitutional order and security of Kosovo,” and that their members were trained at military bases in Serbia. The Interior Minister, Xhelal Sveçla, said the groups are responsible for a series of ongoing violent attacks, including those against NATO peacekeepers, the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), journalists, and the Municipal Election Commission this year. The Minister for Communities and Returns, Kosovo Serb Nenad Rašić, said that the move could negatively affect relations with the Serbian minority in the north.
Sources: Balkan Insight, Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Kossev