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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Inter-religious violence mars holy days

Christian, Jewish and Muslim holidays coincided in April, and it was a particularly deadly month in Israel and Palestinian territories. Tensions escalated after the Israeli military stormed al Aqsa Mosque on 5 April, triggering a spike in violence from both sides that continued throughout the month. Israeli authorities carried out multiple raids and attacks on worshipers at the mosque, resulting in hundreds of injured individuals and arrests. Palestinians’ religious freedoms were further limited as the Israeli government extended the closure of the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strips, restricting access to the mosque. Christian activities and places of public gathering were also affected by government restrictions on visits to Jerusalem's Church of Holy Sepulchre and heavy-handed tactics used by Israeli police blocking entrance to the site. According to community leaders, hostility and violence towards the Christian community has increased since the start of 2023. A Relief Web report revealed that  the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli authorities during the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period of 2022 increased by approximately 400 per cent. 

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Association and Assembly
Freedom of Religion
Rule of Law -1 Rule of Law  (-1)
Personal Integrity and Security

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