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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Iran - December 2022

Iranian authorities intensify clampdown and executions as protests enter fourth month

In an intensification of the state crackdown, the Islamic Republic in December began using the death penalty against protesters arrested in connection with the demonstrations that erupted last September. Marking the fourth month of protests that pose one of the most serious challenges to Iran’s ruling theocracy, the authorities proceeded with the public execution of Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard. The judiciary has also sentenced eleven additional individuals to death and six more have been charged with crimes that are punishable by a death sentence. However, the exact number of people facing executions is difficult to verify. According to a report by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO), as of 27 December, at least 100 people had been sentenced to death or charged with capital offences in connection with the protests in Iran.

Sources: NPR, Al Monitor, Al Jazeera, Amnesty International, CNN, Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO)

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