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Western Asia

New decree threatens press freedom in Honduras

On 19 September executive decree PCM-023-2022, which establishes a Directorate General of Information and Press within the Strategic Planning Ministry, was published. The Directorate will be entrusted with carrying out permanent monitoring and diagnosis of all media, including social networks that operate in the country. The measure has been criticized by opposition legislators and free speech advocates, as they believe it could lead to censorship and prior restraint, given that no clear objectives are explaining the need for this oversight, and the decree was published with no prior dissemination to or dialogue with relevant stakeholders. A government spokesperson has defended the measure as one that combats fake news and disinformation.

Sources: El Heraldo, Hondudiario (1), Hondudiario (2)

Primary categories and factors
Rights 0 Rights  (0)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of The Press

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