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Western Asia

Persisting government repression as anti-government protests increase

Hurricane Ian (a category 3 hurricane) made landfall in Cuba at the end of September 2022, collapsing the country’s entire electricity system and causing severe damage to housing, agriculture and telecoms services. The extent of Ian’s impact led the Cuban government to make a rare request for emergency assistance from the American government.  

From September and throughout October, Cubans have taken to the streets to protest the lack of power, which in turn has heightened concerns over food, fuel and medicine shortages, and the government’s slow response to the disaster. On top of the blackouts, the Cuban regime has shut down Internet service throughout the country, adding to public anger and frustration. According to some local activists, as governance continues to deteriorate, the government's response to demonstrations of popular discontent has focused on their repression.  

Sources: AP News, CubaNet, La Hora, Reuters, ReliefWeb, The Guardian, WSJ

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Association and Assembly
Basic Welfare
Political Equality
Social Group Equality

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