Chile - September 2024
Landmark ruling against sentence reductions from dictatorship crimes
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) determined that Chile is at fault for reducing the sentences of perpetrators of crimes against humanity committed during its last dictatorship (1973-1990). In the case of Vega González and others, the IACtHR examined the Supreme Court’s use, between 2007 and 2010, of a procedural measure known as “gradual prescription” (“media prescripción”) in the consideration of cassation appeals. The measure resulted in the reduction of sentences and early release of several of those convicted. The IACtHR ruled that Chile failed to meet its obligations to investigate and sanction crimes against humanity, violating the rights of victims and their families. The Court ordered that Chile review and/or annul the sentence reductions. Additionally, the ruling calls for comprehensive reparations for the victims, including a public acknowledgment of international responsibility by Chile, and the modification of its legal framework as a guarantee of non-repetition.
Sources: Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Pagina 12, Radio Chile, Biobio Chile