Benin - March 2024
New electoral law raises thresholds for representation in parliament
The National Assembly of Benin passed an amendment to the electoral law on 5 March. The amended law raises the threshold that parties must surpass in order to have any representation in the National Assembly from 10 per cent of the votes in an electoral district to 20 (though there is an exception for parties that join coalitions). It also raises the level of support needed to stand as a candidate for the presidency, now requiring that a candidate be sponsored by at least 15 per cent (up from 10) of the representatives and mayors across the country. The amendment limits the exercise of this sponsorship to presidential candidates who represent the same party as the sponsor. Critics of the amendments claim that the changes will entrench the current party system further. The amendments were reviewed by the Constitutional Court, which found them to comply with the constitution. The amended law was then promulgated by President Talon on 19 March.
Sources: Présidence de la République, Jeune Afrique, La Nouvelle Tribune, L’Autre Quotidien