The Institute's governance consists of a Council of Member States, a Steering Committee, a Finance and Audit Committee, a Board of Advisers and a Secretariat, led by the Secretary-General Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora.
Council of Member States
Our Council of Member States are governments from all regions. This global presence is a feature that reinforces the legitimacy of International IDEA's activities.
Membership in International IDEA is open to governments which demonstrate, by example in their own state, their commitment to the rule of law, human rights, the basic principles of democratic pluralism and strengthening democracy.
Each year, the Council elects a Chair and two Vice Chairs among its Members States. The Chairship term runs from the end of the annual Council meeting (usually in December) to the next annual Council meeting.

Member States

Steering Committee
The Steering Committee prepares the meetings of the Council of Member States and furthers the interests of the Institute between the Council meetings. It is composed of the Council Chair and Vice Chairs, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Advisers and a representative of the Institute’s headquarters country (Sweden). The Secretary-General is an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
Member States in the Steering Committee in 2025 include Switzerland, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia and Sweden.

Finance and Audit Committee
The Finance and Audit Committee oversight responsibilities include financial planning, the audit process, financial reporting, the system of financial controls and risk management.
Board of Advisers
Our Board of Advisers are eminent personalities or experts from a wide variety of backgrounds. The Board provides advice on our work and strategic direction, strengthens our partnership building and fundraising efforts and helps to increase our visibility and outreach.


Kevin Casas-Zamora
Work with us
Our funding and other types of contributions come from our Member States and other financial partners. Become our partner and learn more about how we can jointly undertake actions in Value for Partnership.