Money is an essential resource for politics and voter outreach. However, if not effectively regulated, it can compromise the integrity of political processes and democracies. Effective state regulation of funding of political parties and election campaigns (commonly known as political finance) and their implementation are vital for promoting the integrity, transparency, and accountability of democratic systems of government.
The Government of Botswana is proud to announce the hosting of the “High-Level Dialogue on Comparative Mineral Resources Governance in Africa” on June 27 and 28, 2024. This significant conference will bring together diverse national, regional, and international organizations and stakeholders to discuss and strategise the future of mineral resources governance across the continent.
Capacity building workshop with Gabon’s National Assembly on the development of a legislative and constitutional system within the framework of the implementation of the Gabon Inclusive National dialogue.
El Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional) se complace en invitarlo(a) a nuestro próximo evento del Día Naranja, para visibilizar la violencia contra las mujeres y buscar medidas para combatirla. El evento tendrá lugar el jueves 20 de junio a las 17:00 horas en el auditorio del Tribunal Electoral (Avenida Omar Torrijos, Ancón, Ciudad de Panamá).
To participate in-person, please register here.
To participate online, please register here.
IDEA Internacional, a través de su proyecto Perú Conversa, apuesta por posicionar el diálogo y los valores democráticos en el Perú.
BERSIH, IDEAS and International IDEA invite you to the launch of mini documentary "What's The Big Deal About Political Financing?"
We aim to shed light on the complexities surrounding political funding while fostering an open dialogue among stakeholders.
Join us in elevating awareness and stimulate meaningful discourse aimed at bolstering transparency and accountability within the political sphere, particularly in Malaysia.
The details of the program are as follows:
Este viernes 24 de mayo a las 9:15 (Montevideo), IDEA Internacional invita al panel de discusión sobre Seguridad y Democracia, denominado "El desafío de seguridad para las democracias en América Latina", el cual es copatrocinado por Ágora e Inter- American Dialogue.
El jueves 16 de mayo, IDEA Internacional en conjunto con cinco Universidades de Chile realizarán el Seminario "¿Qué reformar?: diagnóstico y propuestas para un nuevo sistema político".
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) are implementing a 36-month project, titled – ‘Strengthening Pan-African Capacities for Electoral Observation and Assistance’ (SPEC), from January 2024 to December 2026.
Most countries that have experienced conflict have been through some form of peace or transition process. However, to prevent conflict recurring, peace and transition processes need greater capacity.
Media Freedom Coalition, the Embassy of Germany in Stockholm, the Embassy of Estonia in Stockholm, and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Stockholm in collaboration with International IDEA invite you to a panel discussion on Media Literacy and Elections.
Join the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Embassy of Canada to the United States for a discussion on the risks and opportunities for AI in elections and the launch of International IDEA’s new report "Artificial Intelligence for Electoral Management.” The event will be held in-person at the Embassy of Canada and will also be live streamed for people abroad to watch the event.
Global digital governance is at a pivotal moment in history with an abundance of multilateral processes currently defining the way digital technologies, especially the internet and artificial intelligence, will function in the coming decades.
This lecture marks the first event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy. This new initiative is a cooperation between renowned Stockholm-based institutions with a particular focus on climate change and democracy from different perspectives. It aims to inform, inspire, and engage experts and the general public alike by providing high-profile public lectures on the interlinkages between climate change and democracy followed by debate.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Rule of Law Centre of Finland (RoL Centre), in partnership with the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will host the regional conference “Which Role for Artificial Intelligence in Electoral Processes?”, taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 April 2024.