Kosovo - 2001 - Kosovo Assembly

The 2001 Assembly Elections in Kosovo took place within a massive civilian and military international effort to stabilize the region, two and a half years after NATO bombs ended Serbian rule. The elections served to elect the 120 members of a legislative provisional institution of self-government in Kosovo. It was a vote that mirrored the country's ethnic division, and there were many doubts regarding the Serb community's participation in the electoral process.
Gabrielle Arcadu led the “Foundation Training for Polling Station Committees” project, aimed at exposing potential polling station personnel to the basics of the democratic and electoral process that was about to take place. Particular focus was given to engaging Serb communities throughout Kosovo. The project was backed by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, an Italian University.
In the recording above, you can hear Gabriella herself speak about her experience in recruiting and training poll workers for the election in Kosovo.