Since technologies are not neutral, the principles underpinning digital technologies and their governance system are fundamental to protecting their capacity to foster, maintain and protect human rights.

This Policy Paper identifies four areas of work that highlight the main opportunities for embracing democracy through an open and safe digital future as well as the challenges to doing so. These areas are: (a) closing the digital divide; (b) ensuring that human rights are the core value shaping the Global Digital Compact; (c) putting in place artificial intelligence governance that protects fundamental rights and democracy; and (d) advancing data governance for the common good.


Publication date
22 April 2024
Alberto Fernández Gibaja, Sebastian Becker Castellaro, Cecilia Hammar
Number of pages
978-91-7671-762-2 (PDF)


1. Context
2. Key topics
2.1. Closing the digital divide 
2.2. Ensuring that human rights are the core value shaping the Global Digital Compact 
2.3. Putting in place AI governance that protects fundamental rights and democracy
2.4. Advancing data governance for the common good
3. Conclusions

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A Global Digital Compact for Democracy

Policy Paper No. 31, April 2024
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