Election Coverage from a Gender Perspective: A Media Monitoring Manual
Journalists and media outlets always operate in a given social, political and economic context that affects their interpretation of reality and the filters used to select what is ‘important’ and how it is presented to the public.
In the Latin American case, that context still presents various challenges when it comes to placing gender equality at the centre of the public debate and the behaviour, attitudes and perceptions of the citizens and all the actors.
This manual presents a methodological tool for monitoring media coverage during election campaigns. It focuses on a gender perspective using objective and verifiable information, and is based on experiences of six Latin American institutions.
Why monitor the media in electoral campaigns from a gender perspective?
What are the objectives and characteristics of a study such as this?
Duration of the monitoring
Preliminary steps: forming the monitoring team and guidelines for its work
Which media outlets will be monitored? Defining the sample
What and how? Initial steps for understanding the methodology
Data collection and analysis: data sheet, definitions and procedures
The final report: cross-referencing the variables and presenting the results
Conclusion: some considerations for disseminating the results
Annex 1. Data sheet for collecting information: print media
Annex 2. Data sheet for collecting information: television
Annex 3. Data sheet for collecting information: radio
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