Nathalie Ebead
Nathalie Ebead
Nathalie Ebead is International IDEA’s Acting Head of Programme and Programme Manager for the Myanmar Building Federal Democracy programme. Previously she was International IDEA's Programme Manager for the MyConstitution programme in 2022 and for the EU-funded Support to Elections and Democracy (STEP Democracy) Programme in Yangon, Myanmar from 2020-2021. From 2016-2018 she established, managed and provided strategic direction to the Democracy Assessment, Analysis and Advisory (DAAA) Unit.
Previously she established, managed and provided strategic direction to the Democracy Assessment, Analysis and Advisory (DAAA) Unit from 2016-2018. Ebead worked to build International IDEA’s capacity to strengthen democratic institutions and processes through analysis, assessment, and advice on democratic trends and issues. This involved mainstreaming gender, diversity, and conflict and security into International IDEA’s programmatic activities. Ebead also conceptualized and managed the first edition of International IDEA’s signature publication project, The Global State of Democracy and its accompanying Global State of Democracy Indices.
From 2018 to 2020 Ebead worked as an independent consultant, contributing to projects in China, the MENA Region, Bangladesh and Serbia focused on rule of law promotion, gender equality and women’s political participation, election support and public administration reform for GIZ, UN Women and UNDP. Ebead also served as the Deputy Head of Democratization and Head of the Migration Unit at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) from 2011 to 2015. She was responsible for promoting international human rights and governance standards.
Ebead worked for the UNHCR from 2006 to 2008 in Ethiopia and Azerbaijan on protection issues for refugees and internally displaced persons. She served as Deputy Director of the Democratization Department of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo from 2008 to 2011 and worked for the OSCE Presence in Albania from 2003-2006 as Head of Field Office on democratic governance, elections, rule of law, and human rights issues.