While many countries have addressed political party finance constitutionally, such provisions are usually phrased in general terms, leaving the details to law and to the regulations promulgated by enforcement agencies.

Legal reforms to political party finance systems are not a panacea: but when written and implemented well, the legal framework can help address significant challenges that face political party systems.

This report provides comparative and academic research on political party finance law in the Arab region, with a focus on Egypt, Libya and Tunisia as post-authoritarian states that are currently engaged in comprehensive reform of their political institutions.


Publication date
18 August 2014
Sujit Choudhry, Katherine Glenn Bass
Number of pages
Center for Constitutional Transitions
978-91-87729-55-3 (Print)



1. Status Quo in the MENA Region: Challenges for Party Politics

2. Major Design Questions and Models

3. Important Policy Considerations


Appendix 1: Selected Constitutional Provisions on Political Party Finance

Appendix 2: Selected Provisions of Multilateral Instruments and International Non-Governmental Recommendations

Appendix 3: Private versus Public Funding over Time in Various Countries

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Political Party Finance Regulation

Constitutional reform after the Arab Spring
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