In several countries, political parties are stepping up their digital presence in the online world. This creates opportunities for political parties to reach a wider potential audience or membership base. Digitalization has been an ongoing process in political parties across the globe, and the current pandemic is likely to accelerate this process.

This Primer highlights some of the mechanisms that are being widely used and can be adopted by political parties to allow them to continue to function or operate in times of social distancing and other contexts where restrictions on social gatherings are being enforced. It also presents practical options for digitalization and developing an online presence that parties in different contexts can adapt and optimize to respond to such restrictions, and ideas to support the transformation efforts that parties are undertaking.


Publication date
30 September 2020
Number of pages
978-91-7671-328-0 (PDF)



1. Introduction

2. Non-digital campaigning strategies

3. Taking the political party online

4. Conclusion


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Adapting to the New Normal: Political Parties During Lockdown and Social Distancing

Political Party Innovation Primer 6
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