Electoral Risks: Guide on Internal Risk Factors
The organization of elections is a complex undertaking for any society. It requires the broadest social mobilization and implementation of various electoral activities, while complying with strict procedures and deadlines. Therefore, many things can—and often do—go wrong due to deficient laws, logistical hurdles, technical and human errors, or unethical actions taken by key electoral actors, to mention a few. When risks materialize, they can generate stresses, shocks or crises that can undermine the integrity of the electoral process.
This Guide outlines key process-related (endogenous or internal) risk factors that undermine electoral integrity, either as a cause or contributing cause. Combined with the partner Guide on external risk factors, which covers context-related risks, it provides a more complete overview of electoral integrity risk.
This guide is related to the 3d (latest) edition of the Risk Factors Guides:
External Risk Factors: https://doi.org/10.31752/idea.2024.39
To access the 1st and 2nd editions, please visit:
The 1st edition's pages:
The 2nd edition's pages:
Internal Risk Factors: https://doi.org/10.31752/idea.2018.46
External Risk Factors: https://doi.org/10.31752/idea.2018.45
Action Guide: https://doi.org/10.31752/idea.2018.47
Overview: https://doi.org/10.31752/idea.2018.44
About this Guide
The legal and institutional framework
1. An unfit electoral system
2. Unfit electoral legal framework
3. Inadequate regulatory framework for political party financing and campaigns
4. Unfit legal and institutional framework to deal with emerging challenges
5. Inadequate EMB design and composition
6. Inadequate mechanisms for the resolution of electoral disputes
Planning and preparation for the implementation of electoral activities
7. Inadequate electoral administrative policies, rules and regulations
8. Inadequate electoral management processes
9. Inadequate funding and budgeting processes for elections
Training and education
10. Poor training of election officials
11. Inadequate training and education of electoral stakeholders
12. Poor voter information and education campaign
13. Problematic voter registration
14. Problematic registration of political parties and candidates
15. Problematic accreditation of domestic and international observers
Electoral campaign
16. Unequal media access, party visibility and favouritism
17. Provocative use of media by political parties and candidates
18. Provocative political party and candidate rallies
19. Provocative and violent actions by political parties
Voting operations
20. Insufficiency, destruction and loss of sensitive and non-sensitive materials
21. Problematic special voting arrangements
22. Problematic election day operations
23. Problematic ballot counting and result tallying
Verification of election results
24. Poor management of election results
25. Poor management of the final round of electoral appeals
26. Rejection of the election results
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