The Dialogue on Federalism, Managing Diversity and the Practice of Fiscal Federalism in Sudan is a workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya in January 2023 by International IDEA and the Peace Research Institute of the University of Khartoum.

It explored opportunities and challenges and provided recommendations for the potential future federal system in Sudan. Participants’ discussions on this theme responded to six analytical papers presented at the workshop, covering also the roles of civil society, academia, government institutions and international partners in supporting appropriate forms of decentralization.


Publication date
31 May 2023
Saif El Din Daoud Abd El Rhman
Number of pages
978-91-7671-631-1 (PDF)



Executive Summary

1. Background: Federalism

2. About the workshop

3. Dealing with governance systems in Sudan during the transition

4. Moving forward: Fiscal federalism and institution building

5. Managing diversity in plural societies and the development consequences of federalism

6. Lessons learned and recommendations

Annex A. Agenda

About the author

About the partners


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Dialogue on Federalism, Managing Diversity and the Practice of Fiscal Federalism in Sudan

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