For many across the world, democracy is in a crisis of legitimacy and credibility.

The idea that people have the right to control their government and that a government is legitimate only if and when it is controlled by the people has won almost global recognition.

However, the way in which the idea of democracy is translated into practice can leave much to be desired. In a world characterized by rising inequality, democratic systems will be judged on how they include and deliver to constituent populations.

This book, a companion volume to Democracy, Conflict and Human Security: Pursuing Peace in the 21st Century, addresses the nexus between democracy, conflict and human security in a way which recognizes that this is highly political, not technical, terrain. It places at centre stage the fundamental need for democratic practice, and reminds us that in every society, the democratic project is a long-term, ongoing one.

The book contains specific studies which were contributed to the debate, from diverse experiences and contexts. This volume complements and enriches the first volume in two ways: by providing perspectives by leading scholars, analysts and policymakers, and by offering a more in-depth look at critical themes and case studies.


Publication date
31 December 2006
Judith Large, Timothy D. Sisk
Number of pages
91-85391-75-1 (Print)



Acronyms and Abbreviations


Part I. Democracy and Human Security

1. Democracy and Human Security: Essential Linkages

2. The Crisis in Bolivia: Challenges of Democracy, Conflict and Human Security

Part II. Democratization after the Cold War

3. Transition Processes Revisited: The Role of the International Community

4. Police Reform from Below: Examples from Indonesia’s Transition to Democracy

Part III. Democratic Practice

5. Dilemmas in Representation and Political Identity

6. Stop-Go Democracy: The Peace Process in Northern Ireland Revisited

7. Electoral System Design and Conflict Mitigation: The Case of Lesotho

8. Negotiating Cultural Diversity and Minority Rights in India

Part IV. When Democracy Falters

9. Democratic Norms, Human Rights and States of Emergency: Lessons from the Experience of Four Countries

10. Democracy and Terrorism: The Impact of the Anti

Part V. Democracy in War-torn Societies

11. El Salvador and Haiti Revisited: The Role of the UN Peace Operations

12. Pursuing Security in the Post-conflict Phase: Reflections on Recent African Cases and Their Implications for Current and Future Peace Operations 

13. Electoral Processes and Post-settlement Peace Building: Perspectives from Southern Africa

14. Democratization of the Peace Process: Sri Lanka

Part VI. Strengthening International Assistance for Promoting Peace through Democracy Building

15. The Role of the International Community in Supporting Democratization Processes and Why It Matters for Human Security: The Case of Sierra Leone

16. Constitution-building Processes and Democratization: Lessons Learned

About the Authors

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Democracy, Conflict and Human Security, Volume 2: Further Reading

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