Pilot training on electoral observation with gender focus

International IDEA, in partnership with Youth Without Borders (JSF), organized a pilot training on Electoral Observation with gender focus on 15 and 16 June 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia. The training was attended by 19 members of JSF.
They developed a questionnaire that will be used on observing the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in October and November 2019.
The two-day training was based on the criteria and methodology adopted by the Guide: "A Methodological Guide on electoral observation from gender perspective" developed by International IDEA on electoral observation from a gender Perspective. The first day's sessions consisted of 'an introduction to electoral observation', and 'gender and international criteria of elections'; while the second day focused on how to measure the different criteria related to women inclusiveness during the different electoral phases. The final output of the workshop was the development of the gender-focused questionnaire that JSF will adopt in the observation of the 2019 legislative elections.
This Guide, published by International IDEA, is a tool on how to integrate a gender perspective in electoral observation throughout the electoral cycle. It is written in Arabic to fill the existing knowledge gap in the field and it aims to reflect important regional characteristics in Arabic-speaking countries. This workshop was a first opportunity to implement this guide in Tunisia.