Sierra Leone

International IDEA works in Sierra Leone as part of a two-year European Union-funded project titled: ‘Sierra Leone Democracy Strengthening Project’. The Project aims to support democratic institutions and civil society, including the media, toward credible and peaceful conduct of the 2023 elections and the democratic governance and reform processes in the years after the elections to contribute to further consolidation of democratic gains in the country.
The Sierra Leone programme is delivered through five boundary partners, including the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL), the Political Parties Regulation Commission (PPRC), National Commission for Democracy (NCD), National Council for Civic Education and Democracy (NaCCED) and the Independent Media Commission (IMC). In addition to these five partners, International IDEA also works with civil society organizations, including National Election Watch (NEW), the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), the Independent Radio Network (IRN), Election Conflict Prevention and Mediation Group (ECPMG), and the 50/50 Group – Sierra Leone.
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