This report is the first in a series of reports on regional experiences with quota implementation.

It provides information about the use of gender quotas as an instrument to increase women’s political representation in Asia, and to show that they can and are being applied successfully. The report includes case studies from India, East Timor, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

The report series addresses key issues such as the type of quotas in use in some parts of Asia (including legislated and political party quotas); when, where and how quotas have worked; the challenges of implementation and enforcement; and the consequences of the use of quotas.


Publication date
01 January 2003
Number of pages
91-89098-99-4 (Print)

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About the Project and the Report

1. Introduction: Research on Quotas in a Global Perspective

2. Implementation: Quotas at the Local Level in India

3. Imposing Quotas from Above: The Case of East Timor

4. Empowering Women Elected through Quotas: The Pakistani Experiment

5. Repealing Quotas: The Bangladesh Experience

6. Lobbying for Quotas: The Indonesian Experience in 2002

Conclusion: Lessons Learned from the Asian Experience with Quotas

About the Authors

List of Participants

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The Implementation of Quotas: Asian Experiences

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