Support to the Chilean Congress for a more transparent, inclusive, receptive and responsible legislative exercise

Support to the Chilean Congress for a more transparent, inclusive, receptive and responsible legislative exercise

International IDEA, with funding from the European Union, assists the Chilean Chamber of Deputies and Senate to strengthen representative democracy by improving the legislature’s functions and capacities; through learning and exchange of best practices between the Congress and the Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union (EUMSP).

The agreement contemplates strengthening the gender approach for the process of drafting parliamentary regulations and intra-parliamentary work; increasing their capacities for drafting legislation on renewable energy -specifically with regard to green hydrogen and transmission-; improving the mechanisms for citizen participation, transparency and innovation of the parliamentary function and finally; expanding technical capacities to facilitate the new constitutional process, especially aimed at officials of the Library of National Congress, in their role as Technical Secretariat and in matters of modification of organic laws.


Key contacts

Ricardo Mena
Programme Officer


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