International IDEA assists in the second round of the presidential election in Brazil

International IDEA will assist in the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, on Sunday 30 October 2022.
The delegation is led by the former Presidents of Bolivia, Carlos Mesa, and Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado; and composed of the former Senator of Uruguay Mónica Xavier, the former Senator of Paraguay Diego Abente, the former Senator of Chile Sergio Bitar, as well as the Institute's Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Daniel Zovatto, the Director in Paraguay Salvador Romero Ballivián and Mauricio Barbosa, Programme Assistant.
The delegation will hold meetings with electoral and judicial authorities, representatives of presidential candidates, researchers, media, and international observation missions, to assess the different facets of the electoral process. In this way, it continues the deployment made in the first round.
Ahead of Sunday's election day, International IDEA reiterates its confidence in the electoral system, the professionalism and impartiality of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and the security of the electronic ballot box in Brazil. It calls on all political and social actors to articulate their actions within a framework of respect for institutionality and legality, tolerance towards opponents, and to reject the circulation of disinformation so that Sunday's election takes place in an atmosphere of calmness, high participation, and patient waiting for the final consolidation of election data while exhorting the acceptance of the results, for the strengthening of democracy in Brazil.