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Preventing and Mitigating the Threat of Political Corruption Linked to Organized Crime: The new IntegriTAS Threat Assessment System

14 May 2018
Vienna, Austria
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Governments, intergovernmental organizations and civil society actors around the world are increasingly grappling with the corrosive effects of organized crime over the health of democratic insitituions, most notably elections, political parties and local administrations. This corrupt influence further undermiines citizen trust in political institutions and fuels instability in all regions. 

Speakers Jorge Valladares and Catalina Uribe Burcher of International IDEA, will join Ugi Zvekic of The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, and Jean-Luc Lemahieu of UNODC to discuss how to handle these threats using the International IDEA-designed tool, IntegriTAS Threat Assessment System.


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