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International IDEA roundtable ”Inter-agency collaboration on cyber security in elections”

27 November 2018 - 28 November 2018
The Hague, Netherlands
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One of the most pressing issues threatening democracies today is the issue of cybersecurity. International IDEA will hold a two-day roundtable on “Inter-agency collaboration on cybersecurity in elections” in The Hague on 27-28 November 2018.

The roundtable will bring together nearly 40 participants from more than 20 countries, including members of electoral management bodies (EMBs), cybersecurity officials and independent experts. For two days, they will exchange lessons from recent elections around the globe, in order to help defend democratic elections from cyber-attacks. International IDEA will present findings from ongoing research for its upcoming publication ‘Inter-agency collaboration on cybersecurity in elections’ and from over 20 related case study interviews that have been conducted in recent months.

The roundtable is a follow-up to the 2017 International IDEA event on Cybersecurity in Elections. That meeting concluded that cybersecurity has become so multi-faceted, that EMBs can no longer address cyber threats on their own. Closer collaboration is needed with a broad range of government agencies, including security services and high-level political decision makers, as well as IT-providers and the media.

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