Strategic meeting for women chairpersons of African electoral management bodies

The purpose of this meeting is to foster peer support among women in EMB leadership and to address systemic barriers faced by women in electoral governance. Despite progress in women’s political participation, there remains a gender imbalance within EMBs in Africa, with women underrepresented in decision-making roles. The meeting seeks to address these challenges by creating a platform for collaboration, mentorship, and advocacy.
Key sessions will include discussions on the current status of women’s participation in election management, where International IDEA’s most recent Women’s Political Participation: Africa Barometer 2024 (Gender Barometer) will be presented. Other sessions will focus on: international and regional normative frameworks, election management leadership, and comparative experiences from the Arab and South American regions. The meeting will also focus on the operationalization of a network for women in EMBs and outline a roadmap for establishing a continental network.
The network's objectives include enhancing collaboration among women in EMB leadership, promoting good governance, improving electoral integrity, and building trust in electoral institutions. Additionally, it aims to empower women leaders, advocate for gender equality, and influence policy and practice within EMBs.
This strategic reflection meeting is being implemented within the framework of International IDEA’s memorandum of understanding with the UNDP and the AU, with financial contribution from the EU-funded Strengthening Pan-African Capacities for Electoral Observation and Assistance (SPEC).
Contact persons:
Robert Gerenge
UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
Olufunto Akinduro
International IDEA