Transnational organized crime threatens democracy. Supporting the capacity of national and local institutions to prevent and mitigate the nexus between organized crime and democratic politics is an important part of fighting against these threats.

The IntegriTAS Threat Assessment System is a multipurpose data-driven software application that helps national and local institutions identify the threats that organized crime poses to politics. Focusing on the threat— instead of seeking to establish the existence of links between organized crime and politics, or their impact—allows users to map and focus on the factors that contribute to corruption, and to identify strategies to prevent or mitigate the threat.

This Guide describes the process of implementing IntegriTAS and includes a description of the system’s structure and its implementation stages. It complements two other Guides: the IntegriTAS Factors Guide and the IntegriTAS Prevention and Mitigation Guide. The IntegriTAS software is also accompanied by a User Manual.

Access the IntegriTAS software and supporting documentation online.


Publication date
09 May 2018
Catalina Uribe Burcher and Victoria Perotti
Number of pages



1. Introduction

2. Structure of the IntegriTAS system
Knowledge resources
Analytical instruments
Prevention and mitigation

3. Building the right IntegriTAS team

4. Stages of implementation
Cross-cutting activities
Preliminary decisions
Preparing the system
Implementation phase
Post-implementation analysis


About the authors
About IntegriTAS
About International IDEA

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IntegriTAS Threat Assessment System: Process Guide

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