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Inception and Coordination Meeting for Experts, Stakeholders and Partners

04 October 2017 - 05 October 2017
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Photo credit: AMISOM Public Domain@flickr

The 29th Assembly of Heads of States of African Union (AU) highlighted the need for the Continental organization to go beyond Vulnerability Assessment and to adopt a more Structural Preventive Diplomacy approach in order to contribute substantially to the achievement of the AU agenda 2020 on Silencing the Guns in Africa and to the First Ten Years Implementation Plan of the AU Agenda 2063.

As a result, the main objectives of the Inception and Coordination meeting are the following:

  • Contribute to a better understanding and ownership of the methodology of AUC Horizon Scanning Missions by the Experts identified for their implementation and by other stakeholders involved;
  • Plan the implementation of the Horizon Scanning Missions; and
  • Enhance strategic and operational coordination in the deployment of Horizon Scanning Missions between DPA, PSD/CEWs, OCP, RMs, RECs, APRM, PAP, UNOAU and International IDEA.  
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