Gender Quotas Database

Eastern Europe
Single / Lower House
Poslanecka Snemovna / Chamber of Deputies
Total seats | 200 |
Total women | 52 |
Percentage of women | 26% |
Gender Quota target | |
Election year | 2021 |
Electoral system | List PR |
Quota type | |
Election details | IDEA Voter Turnout - IPU Parline |
Upper House
Senat / Senate
Total seats | 81 |
Total women | 15 |
Percentage of women | 19% |
Gender Quota target | |
Election year | 2022 |
Electoral system | List PR |
Quota type | Voluntary Party Quota |
Election details | IPU Parline |
Legal source | Details | |
No data available |
Voluntary Political Party Quotas*
Party | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
Social Democrats | Česká strana sociálně demokratická (ČSSD) |
25% of those elected by the party must be women. If a local party organization has failed to nominate 25% women among its top candidates, then the Social Democratic Women's Organization has the right to nominate extra women. |
* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.
Additional information
Additional reading
- See the latest updates on Czech Republic on iKNOW Politics
- Wolchik, Saron L. (2009). ‘Women in parliament in the Czech republic’. In Rueschemeyer, Marilyn and Sharon L. Wolchik (eds) Women in power in post-communist parliaments. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 111-130.
- Rakusanova, Petra and Mansfeldova, Zdenka (2004). ‘Female in politics and female interest representation’. in Gabriella Ilonszki (ed) Women in decision-making: CEE experiences. Budapest: Soros Open Society Institute, 100-120.
- Saxonberg, Steven (2003). ‘Czech political parties prefer male candidates to female votes’. In Matland, Richard E. and Montgomery, Kathleen A. (eds) Women's access to political power in post-communist Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 245-266.
- Czech Republic Parliament website,
- Czech Statistics website,
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