Gender Quotas Database

Eastern Asia
Single / Lower House
Ulsyn Ikh Khural / State Great Hural
Total seats | 126 |
Total women | 32 |
Percentage of women | 25% |
Gender Quota target | 40% |
Election year | 2024 |
Electoral system | BV |
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Election details | IDEA Voter Turnout - IPU Parline |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Electoral law |
When nominated by a party or coalition, at least 30 percent of all candidates in the 2024 regular election, and at least 40 percent in the 2028 regular election, shall be of one gender. (Article 30.2 electoral law) |
Political funding legislation |
The central electoral organization shall provide state funding, matching the increase in the number of female candidates and candidates with disabilities who are nominated beyond the gender quota specified in Mongolia's Parliamentary Election Legislation, according to the criteria set forth in section 27.3 of this law. This funding is awarded only once in the subsequent year of each regular election, as detailed in section 27.6.5. (Article 27.7. - Political Party law) |
Legal sanctions for non-compliance | Electoral law |
Article 33 of the Election Law states, “Registration as a candidate shall be refused in the following cases: failure to meet the requirements for candidates specified in this law. In case of refusal to register as a candidate, the documents required for re-registration may be submitted to the General Election Commission at least 25 days prior to the polling day upon elimination of the violation.”. |
Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties related to gender equality among candidates? | No | See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Are there provisions for other financial advantages to encourage gender equality in political parties? | No | See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Quota at the Sub-National Level
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Gender Quota target | 30% |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Electoral law | For local council elections, at least 30% of the candidates on political parties’ lists must be women. |
Voluntary Political Party Quotas*
Party | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
No data available. |
* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.
Additional information
The percentage of women is calculated from the current number of seats occupied in the parliament. The State Great Hural has 76 statutory seats.
In the 2012 elections, the 20 per cent legislated candidate quota for women was applied for the first time. The law does not provide a ranking order pertaining to the placement of the required 20 per cent of women candidates in parties' candidate lists. However, the Law on Election of the Parliament (the State Great Hural) does require parties to determine the candidate lists through 'a secret ballot and majority vote based on democratic principles in a party congress' and 'to arrange no more than 48 candidates in order of districts and no more than 28 candidates in order of the number and percentage of votes obtained by each candidates in the meeting of a party held to determine the composition of a candidate list (Article 27.4 and 27.5.4). As a result of this reform, although only 11 (14 per cent) women were elected, it marked an improvement from the previous elections, where only three (4 per cent) women were elected.
The Election Law was amended in 2016, shortly before the last elections were held. The parliament amended the electoral system to move from multi- to single-member constituencies increasing the number of constituencies from 26 to 76, moving to a fully majoritan system. The gender quota was also initially set out to be at 30 % in the new electoral law, however in May 2016 it was reduced to 20 per cent (OSCE/ODIHR 2016). The Election Law was amended again in 2023, setting the gender quota at 30% for the 2024 parliamentary elections, and to 40% for the 2028 parliamentary elections.
Legal Sources:
- Constitution of Mongolia (amended through 2023) - Link
- Parliamentary Election Law (amended through 2023) - Link
- Electoral Law (amended through 2020) - Link
- Law on Gender Equality (amended through 2022) - Link
- Political Parties Law - Link
Other Sources:
- Election Commission - Link
- Interparliamentary Union [IPU] Parline - Mongolia Country Profile
Additional reading
- See the latest updates on Mongolia on iKNOW Politics
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung [FES] Mongolia. (July 13, 2020). A new generation of politicians in Mongolia. [Last accessed: 2021-11-25]
- Munkhzul. A (2020). Female MPs to partner in increasing women’s participation at decision-making level. Montsame. [Last accessed 2021-11-19]
- United Nations [UN] Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women [CEDAW]. (2020). Tenth periodic report submitted by Mongolia under article 18 of the Convention, due in 2020. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. [Last accessed: 2021-11-25]
- Asian Development Bank. (2019). Mongolia Gender Situational Analysis: Advances, Challenges and Lessons Learnt Since 2005. In Gender Responsive Sector and Local Development policies and actions. Gender Consulting Team [Last accessed: 2021-11-25]
- United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]. (October 31, 2016). Beyond the glass ceiling: Expanding female leadership in Mongolian politics and businesses. [Last accessed: 2021-11-25]
- Odontuya, T. (n.d.). Women's participation in politics in Mongolia. Female parliamentarians' promotion. Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW). [Last accessed: 2021-11-25]
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