Gender Quotas Database

Southern Europe
Single / Lower House
Camera dei Deputati / Chamber of Deputies
Total seats | 400 |
Total women | 129 |
Percentage of women | 32% |
Gender Quota target | 40% |
Election year | 2022 |
Electoral system | Parallel |
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Election details | IDEA Voter Turnout - IPU Parline |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Constitution |
All citizens of either sex shall be eligible for public office and for elective positions on equal terms, according to the conditions set forth by law. To this end, the Republic shall adopt specific measures to promote equal opportunities between women and men. (Article 51) |
Electoral law |
3.1 in the national total of candidacies put forward on each list or lists joined in coalition in uninominal colleges, neither of the two genders may exceed 60%, rounding up or down. In the national total of lists presented by plurinominal colleges, neither of the two genders may be placed at the head in more than 60% of cases, rounding up or down. The national central office will ensure the requirement set out in this paragraph is respected in the course of the verifications stipulated in article 2, first paragraph, number 6-a. (Article 18-bis) |
Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties related to gender equality among candidates? | No |
Any type of direct public co-financing and public reimbursement to parties is abolished. See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Are there provisions for other financial advantages to encourage gender equality in political parties? | Yes, funds earmarked for gender activities |
Political parties must spend at least 10% of the contributions they receive through '2 per thousand' donations on initiatives to increase women participation in politics. Failure to do so may result in fines. See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Upper House
Senato della Repubblica / Senate
Total seats | 205 |
Total women | 74 |
Percentage of women | 36% |
Gender Quota target | 40% |
Election year | 2022 |
Electoral system | Parellel |
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Election details | IPU Parline |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Electoral law |
3.1 in the national total of candidacies put forward on each list or lists joined in coalition in uninominal colleges, neither of the two genders may exceed 60%, rounding up or down. In the national total of lists presented by plurinominal colleges, neither of the two genders may be placed at the head in more than 60% of cases, rounding up or down. The national central office will ensure the requirement set out in this paragraph is respected in the course of the verifications stipulated in article 2, first paragraph, number 6-a. (Article 18-bis) |
Legal sanctions for non-compliance | Electoral law |
3. Under penalty of inadmissibility, in the internal succession of the lists in multi-member constituencies, the candidates are placed according to an alternating gender order. (Article 18-bis)
Equal access to elective offices 1. Political parties promote equality in access to elective offices in implementation of Article 51 of the Constitution. 2. In the event that, in the overall number of candidates of a political party in each election of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Republic or the members of the European Parliament belonging to Italy, one of the two sexes is represented to an extent lower than 40 percent, the resources due to the political party pursuant to article 12 are reduced by a percentage equal to 0.50 for each percentage point of difference between 40 and the percentage of candidates of the less represented sex, within the maximum overall limit of 10 per cent. hundred. 3. To political parties that have not allocated a quota equal to at least 10 percent of the sums due to them pursuant to article 12 to initiatives aimed at increasing the active participation of women in politics, the Commission applies a pecuniary administrative sanction equal to one fifth of the sums due to them pursuant to article 12. 4. Starting from 2014, a fund will be established into which the resources deriving from the application of paragraphs 2 and 3 will flow. 5. The resources of the fund referred to in paragraph 4 are annually divided among the parties registered in the second section of the register referred to in article 4 for which the percentage of those elected of the less represented sex in each election is equal to or greater than 40%. one hundred and are distributed in proportion to the votes obtained by each party in the relevant election. For the purposes referred to in this paragraph, those elected are considered after the exercise of the options, where provided for by the electoral legislation in force. (DECREE-LAW 28 December 2013, n. 149 Article 9) |
Rank order/placement rules | Electoral law |
3. ... Under penalty of inadmissibility, in the internal succession of the lists in multi-member constituencies, the candidates are placed according to an alternating gender order. 3.1. In the overall candidatures presented by each list or coalition of lists in single-member constituencies at national level, neither gender can be represented by more than 60 percent, with rounding to the nearest whole number. In the overall lists in the multi-member constituencies presented by each list at national level, neither gender can be represented in the position of head of the list by more than 60 percent, with rounding to the nearest whole number. … 3-bis. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, a list of four alternate candidates, two male and two female, is attached to the list. (Article 18-bis) |
Quota at the Sub-National Level
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Gender Quota target | 40% |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Constitution |
All citizens of either sex shall be eligible for public office and for elective positions on equal terms, according to the conditions set forth by law. To this end, the Republic shall adopt specific measures to promote equal opportunities between women and men. (Article 51) Regional laws shall remove any hindrances to the full equality of men and women in social, cultural and economic life and promote equal access to elective offices for men and women. (Article 117) |
Electoral law |
4-bis. In the overall candidatures presented by each list or coalition of lists in the single-member constituencies of the region, neither gender can be represented by more than 60 percent, with rounding to the nearest whole number. In the overall lists in the multi-member constituencies presented by each list at regional level, neither gender can be represented in the position of head of the list by more than 60 percent, with rounding to the nearest whole number. (Article 9) See also articles 27, 71, 137 of law 56/2014 "Provisions on metropolitan cities, provinces, unions and mergers of municipalities." |
Legal sanctions for non-compliance | Electoral law |
... 4. Under penalty of inadmissibility, in the internal succession of the lists in multi-member constituencies, the candidates are placed according to an alternating gender order. (Article 9) |
Rank order/placement rules | Electoral law |
... 4. Under penalty of inadmissibility, in the internal succession of the lists in multi-member constituencies, the candidates are placed according to an alternating gender order. 4-bis. ... . In the overall lists in the multi-member constituencies presented by each list at regional level, neither gender can be represented in the position of head of the list by more than 60 percent, with rounding to the nearest whole number. (Article 9) |
Voluntary Political Party Quotas*
Party | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
Article One | Articolo Uno |
The Assemblies and bodies at different levels, recognizing gender equality as a constitutive element of ARTICLE ONE, will have to ensure that the presence of one gender over the other in the lists for the election of executives and for those of electoral competitions at all levels and in compliance with the principles referred to in Article 51 of the Constitution is equal. To ensure this relationship at all times, when voting on lists at all levels, the elected representatives will be appointed through the "scrolling" mechanism, i.e. if the outcome of the voting on the lists does not respect the percentage of 50% one gender, we will proceed with the substitution of the last of the elect of the over-represented gender with the first of the non-elect of the other gender. (Party Statutes, Article 24) |
Democratic Party | Partito Democratico (PD) |
PD has a 50 percent quota for women, placed with strict alternation on electoral lists. (Party statutes 2008, article 19) |
Forza Italiana |
Without prejudice to the provisions of the law, in no list of candidates presented by Forza Italia on the occasion of electoral competitions, one of the two genders can be represented in a proportion lower than a third (Party Statute, Article 9). |
Italian Left | Sinistra Italiana |
In the governing bodies at different levels, in compliance with the principles set out in article 51 of the Constitution and this statute, it must be ensured that the presence of one sex over the other is not less than 40%. In order to always guarantee this relationship, internal elections at all levels will proceed, through the mechanism of "scrolling the list", until the necessary rebalancing is achieved (Party Statutes, Chapter 3, Article 1 and 6). |
League | Lega |
Lega per Salvini Premier promotes gender equality in the collegiate bodies and in the elected offices established by the Statute, providing that in the candidatures none of the two sexes is represented by more than two thirds (Party Statute, Article 7). |
More Europe | Più Europa |
In the final composition of each collegiate statutory body (Assembly, Presidency of the Assembly, Secretariat, Regional Directorates and foreign electoral divisions, Boards of guarantee and Auditors and elective component of the Directorate) temporary or special created by the Bodies, the presence must be ensured of a percentage of each genre not less than 40% (Party Statutes, Article 8(3)). |
* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.
Additional information
The new electoral law (Law 165/2017) include several provisions to promote the representation of women in both the Parliament and the Senate (see in boxes above).
This law amended the previous law, Law. 52/2015, an electoral discipline for the Chamber of Deputies which exceeded the previous discipline in force since 2005. The electoral system for the Chamber of Deputies from 2015, which was never applied in an electoral competition as a new electoral reform was approved in 2017 (Law No. 165/2017) was based on, among other elements the introduction of forecasts to promote equal opportunities between women and men in access to elective office. In particular, the 2015 law specificed that candidates must be presented - on each list - in alternate order by gender; at the same time, the leaders of the same sex can not be more than 60 percent of the total in each circumscription.
Constitutional reforms in 2003 provided an ‘open window’ policy on gender quotas by stating that ‘citizens of one or the other sex are eligible for public office and for elective positions under equal conditions, according to the rules established by law. To this end, the Republic adopts specific measures in order to promote equal chances for men and women’ (Article 51 of the Constitution).
The Law on Public Financing For Political Parties seeks to promote the active participation of women in politics. With this aim, every party is allotted a quota equal to at least 5 per cent of electoral reimbursements received for initiatives oriented to such an objective.
Prior to the 2003 Constitution, Italy had a gender quota for elections to the Lower House (in 1994) but the provision was declared unconstitutional in 1995. Quotas were also in use for the 1999 elections to the European Parliament and for the 1995 municipal and provincial elections. The legislated quotas have recently been re-introduced for the European Parliament elections.
Legal Sources:
- Constitution of Italy - Link
- Electoral Laws - Link
- Local Government Law - Link
- Provisions on metropolitan cities, provinces, unions and mergers of municipalities, Law 56/2014 - Link
- The Legal Discipline of Italian Political Parties - Link
Other Sources:
- Parliament of Italy - Link
- Electoral Commission - Link
- Camera dei Deputati. 2018. XVII Legislature - Themes of Parliamentary Activity.
- Bonomi, G., Brosio, G. and Di Tommaso, M. L., ‘How Italian Electors React to Gender Quotas? A Random Utility Model of Voting Behaviour’, University of Turin, Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis Working Papers. 2006.
Additional reading
- See the latest updates on Italy on iKNOW Politics
- Camera dei deputati. (March 1, 2021). La partecipazione delle donne alla vita politica e istituzionale. Servizio Studi - Dipartimento Istituzioni.
- D'Emilio, F. (July 13, 2021). Women push against being left behind amid pandemic recovery. AP News.
- Belluati M., Piccio D.R., & Sampugnaro R. (2020). Women’s access to the political sphere in Italy: when obstacles outdo opportunities. Contemporary Italian Politics. 12(3), 278-286. doi:10.1080/23248823.2020.1780031
- Besso, C. (May 15, 2020). Le donne Italiane in politica. Numeri e trend delle presenze femminili nella politica.
- Carbone, D. & Farina, F. (2020). Women in the local political system in Italy: A longitudinal perspective. Contemporary Italian Politics, 12(3), 314-328. doi:10.1080/23248823.2020.1793078
- Hessami Z., & da Fonseca M.L. (2020). Female political representation and substantive effects on policies: A literature review, European Journal of Political Economy, 63.
- D'Amico, M. (2017). La rappresentanza di genere nelle istituzioni: Strumenti di riequilibrio.
- Caroli, A. (n.d.). Donne e politica - I percorsi femminili della carriera politica. Universita di Teramo.
- Italian Parliament website,
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