Mélida Jiménez
Mélida Jiménez
Mélida Jiménez's work focused on democracy assessments and measurements. Her most recent work included the development of The Global State of Democracy Indices, a quantitative democracy measurement which was launched in November 2017.
In addition to this, her work included providing advice and capacity-building on the conduct of qualitative democracy assessments at the local and national level, the development of assessment related tools and knowledge products.
She was responsible for the development of International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Indices and the State of Local Democracy Assessment Framework.
Jiménez's work experience includes providing support to in-country democracy assessment initiatives in Bhutan, Philippines, Indonesia, Morocco, Zambia, Moldova, Ukraine and Ghana, amongst others.
Recent Op-Ed:
Is democracy in a worldwide decline? We measured it. Here's what we found., The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, 15 November 2017