This brief provides an analysis of the financing processes and challenges of elections in Liberia. It highlights operational challenges experienced by the National Elections Commission (NEC) and potential solutions, emphasizing financial resource constraints and other challenges that impede the NEC in delivering its mandate of holding elections and managing electoral cycle activities. 

Solutions proposed by the NEC to enhance the financial sustainability of electoral management, summarized in this brief, include the establishment and possible use of an escrow account in which public funds can be deposited ahead of an electoral activity.


Publication date
14 August 2024
Boakai Dukuly and Stephanie Lynn
Number of pages
978-91-7671-793-6 (PDF)


Executive summary

1. Brief electoral history of Liberia

2. Laws governing elections and the key functions of the National Elections Commission

3. Challenges

4. Financing the 2023 general elections

5. The path forwards

6. Conclusion


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Financing Electoral Management Body and Electoral Activity Costs in Liberia

The National Elections Commission
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