Coordination between the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities
The African Union (AU) is one of the world’s most advanced regional organizations in terms of its mandate and instruments to create, protect and promote democracy in its member states.
Although other continental organizations—including the Organization of American States and the Council of Europe—may have previously created mandates to shape the political systems of their member states, the AU is continuously expanding its mandate, as well as the various instruments at its disposal to entrench democratic political systems in its member states.
This Discussion Paper provides an overview of the mandates and instruments that the AU has at its disposal. It also addresses the issue of coordination between the AU and African regional economic communities (RECs). Recommendations are made as to how to improve the coordination between the AU and the RECs and thereby increase the overall effectiveness of the AU’s efforts to further democratic systems in its member states.
1. The African Union’s mandates and instruments
2. Improving coordination between the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities
3. Recommendations
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