Round table on the participation of women to the Chadian transition

International IDEA Chad’s Programme, through its Head of Programme, took part on 18 January 2023 in the round table on the participation of women in the Chadian transition.
Organised by UNDP Chad within the framework of the "Basket Fund" in support of the transition in Chad, this meeting made it possible to evaluate the participation of Chadian women in the National Inclusive and Sovereign Dialogue (DNIS), during the first phase of the transition and to highlight the perspectives favouring the effectiveness of this participation for the second phase of the transition. Thus, resolutions were taken at the end of the round table.
These include giving special attention to women living with disabilities in the quotas reserved for women, building women's capacity in areas other than gender, particularly in technical concepts that have a strong impact on their social status and political participation (key political concepts, socio-economic aspects, etc.), and implementing the DNIS recommendations through thematic action plans.
International IDEA's participation in this meeting is part of the synergy of action of the partners involved in the process of democratic and peaceful transition in Chad.