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CANDI Dat@s, the digital tool for informed voting

October 02, 2019 • By Carolina Floru
Image credit: www.

With the main goal of contributing to the informed vote of the population for the 2019 General Elections in Bolivia, not seeking to induce a decision or establish a trend of any nature, as of today the digital tool CANDI Dat@s is published online. This is a digital tool developed by International IDEA, with support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

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The tool <www.>, establishes a link between the contents of government programmes put forward by political organizations and the main public interest issues raised by various youth platforms or groups that have resulted in an Agenda for Public Policy Proposals worked, throughout the last two years, by more than 200 youth organizations across the country. The initiative has a strictly pluralistic approach and includes all political organizations that are participating in the electoral process. There are 30 questions or topics, which were selected from a greater number of concerns in the abovementioned Agenda.

Just as the political organizations responded in accordance to their government programmes, the user will address the same questions on the basis of their own positioning and the comparison will make it possible to learn the level of alignment between their personal concerns and government programmes and will help the citizens to make an informed decision when the time comes to cast their vote.

Suggested Use

The tool includes the nine political organizations that will participate in the National Elections of 20 October 2019, under equal conditions. The tool does not seek to benefit any one in particular. Therefore, when it is appropriate to request the result, it will ask to establish your priority by choosing three political organizations. Then you can go back and choose others. You can only choose three of them, no more no less.

When the tool provides you with the percentages of the three selected political organizations, it makes no sense to compare those percentages with each other because there is no correlation between them. This is an instrument that gives you mainly inputs, through the responses of the political parties to the issues addressed. The percentage shows the degree of alignment of the programme of each political organization with your personal position on the subject. 

The answers to the questions in the form are thoroughly based on government programmes of the political organizations and/or interviews with the hierarchical commanders; and they do not necessarily coincide with the messages that the candidates have been releasing in the electoral campaign, which explains why they can have, as a result, surprising thematic alignment percentages. Refraining from responding to some of the issues was the exclusive decision of each political organization.

The Agenda for Public Policy proposals has been formally submitted to the Political Organizations participating in the electoral process prior to the official presentation of the Government Programmes developed by them before the Plurinational Electoral Body.

We invite you not only to respond "I agree" or "I disagree" but to look more in depth to the response of the political organization on the subject.

The tool is designed not to record personal data or identify trends. Therefore, responses will not be added up or stored. The information provided is exclusively personal.

The privacy policy of the tool (found at the beginning of the application) guarantees the unavailability of results.

This tool has been successfully applied in other countries and should be understood as a set of technological resources condensed into a web application.

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About the authors

Former staff member - Carolina Floru
Programme Officer
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