Which Role for Artificial Intelligence in Electoral Processes?

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Rule of Law Centre of Finland (RoL Centre), in partnership with the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will host the regional conference “Which Role for Artificial Intelligence in Electoral Processes?”, taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 April 2024.
In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, is rapidly expanding amid public enthusiasm, curiosity and concern on their impact on democracy around the globe. While the introduction of AI in democratic processes seems unstoppable in the foreseeable future, institutions and societies are called to reflect and act early on to make it a success for humanity’s progress. Elections, in particular, will be impacted by the rapid spread of AI tools. But how should AI be understood within the electoral process and how does it differ from other technologies already used in elections? How can it be deployed by election management bodies (EMBs) preserving, and possibly boosting, the integrity and public trust in elections?
The event seeks to encourage a shared understanding of AI among election stakeholders, notably by analysing global experience with AI tools, and the presence of potential AI elements in digitalization of elections across the Western Balkans. Moreover, experts will explore the implications of potentially expanded use of AI tools for EMB mandates, their capacities and future regulation while they strive to uphold fundamental rights and public trust in elections.
The discussions seek to facilitate cross-cutting exchanges among EMBs from the Western Balkans and European Union Member States, alongside esteemed academics, and representatives from civil society organizations. The discussion will also delve into how EMBs of the Western Balkans should approach AI developments under the prospect of EU accession and the EU’s role as a regulator and standard setter in the field.
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