Swedish Aid in the Era of Shrinking Civic Space

The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA, Expertgruppen För Biståndsanalysis), is a Swedish Government committee with a mandate to evaluate and analyse Sweden’s international development assistance. The EBA collaborates with researchers and other experts to improve Swedish aid in the long-term.
This seminar discusses the development cooperation in shrinking democratic spaces. What are the possibilities and pitfalls for evaluation in this kind of context? How do actors manage rapid changes in partner countries? What are the challenges and best practices?
Annika Silva-Leander, Head of Democracy Assessment and Political Analysis, will present new research on the state of democracy globally, with a focus on civil society. Researchers Åsa Eldén and Paul Leven will present insights from an ongoing EBA study on the effecting of the closing civil society space in Turkey. The seminar will be moderated by Charlotta Norrby, Manager of Civil Society Unit at Sida.
The seminar is part of the Stockholm Evaluation Week (SEW), running 24-28 September 2018, and is an initiative of the EBA and Sida.
Please note the seminar is in Swedish.